Thursday, September 13, 2007

Why walk alone?

If you're the type of person that knows the path to take through life, have you ever wondered what it would be like to not know where you wish to go? True, uncertainty can be decidedly unpleasant, in some odd way like sea-sickness, but it does offer a certain freedom. A freedom to choose any path at every fork in the road. That is a freedom not afforded a man of vision. Indeed, one must pay a price to chase a vision - one must forsake anything that may lead one astray, however dear it may be to one's heart. Often, men who choose such a path walk alone, immersed in the world around them and yet far removed at the same time. They are men cognizant of the price and willing to pay it. Though it is not always gladly that they make sacrifices, they do it with the unfailing faith that in the end, it will all be worth it. The essential question then is rather simple - is their faith true? Or are they lost? There's only one way to find out, isn't there?


Shiva said...

the life will be intresting when ppl don't know the end , but this can't happen everytime , one loses faith on the way itself, which is why many couldn't fell the pleasant happenings

macnife said...

Indeed, knowing the path does not mean that one knows the destination and therein lies the excitement of it all. Such a life is indeed a gamble of sorts and the stakes just couldn't get any higher.

Sadly, it is true that many lose heart half way across the desert and they are the ones who lose the most for life does not award consolation prizes. Such men have given up a great deal to get to where they are and yet they throw away all they have by giving up.

Sharad Ragas said...

Very interesting blog you have here, sire.

Pardon my effrontery when I ask.. you don't happen to be a doctoral student, do you?

Sharad Ragas said...

And I love the pictures.. btw.

macnife said...

Thank you and yes, I'm a doctoral student (the Ph.D kind, not one of those vile M.D. types ;-) ).