Friday, July 21, 2006

Poppin my bloggin' cherry!

This post marks the dawn of a new era! Well, not quite... what it does mark though is an increase in the amount of useless crap that sullies the so called information superhighway. It was just another typical weekday afternoon. I was in my office/lab...brain cooked from the heat and bouncing around crazy conclusions drawn from ambiguous data. A friend showed me a blog - after several minutes of excruciating pain caused by reading some of the posts, it suddenly dawned on me. What a brilliant source of sadistic pleasure a blog is! I too shall blog and share my own brand of pain (which I like to call my sense of humour) with the rest of humanity (at least the fraction of it that is wired to the internet). This is one is safe any more. Abandon all hope, ye who stumble onto my blog...for unfathomable PJ's, bad poetry and wacky thoughts await thee! As for the ones who walked in knowingly, you deserve all that shall befall you! Happy reading, fellow jobless organic bipeds (supposedly equipped with a sixth sense!??).

1 comment:

Pingu said...

Welcum to d world of blogging Paps!!!:)