Sunday, April 08, 2007

It's here... finally!

After much delay, mostly due to my own tardiness, it's finally here - Macnife's Nano-reef Blog. Although it's still in a very rudimentary state, I promise lots of photos and info real soon!


Pingu said...

how r d flatworms doing?? i thot dey were worms that infested FLATS! :o-P

btw, u hav been tagged!

macnife said...

The flatworms are all dead now... thanks for asking :P.

BTW wat do u mean by I've been tagged?

Pingu said...

hiyo...dont u kno wat a tag is..watanignoramus (to b rd in Daffy Duck accent)..c my blog fer details...

thot u'd like dis
u too cud strt one lik tht