Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Macnife's Reef Blog: Coming soon!

The past few weeks have been rather eventful for me and my two marine aquariums. I finally got my home tank set up the way I wanted and I've got most of items on my livestock wishlist... for now. The older office tank has also been through a series of minor changes, with a couple more being planned. Both tanks have pretty much stabilized and look very close to what I had in mind.
I've finally started seriously shooting pictures of my tanks and I figured it'd be fun to start a new blog to put up these pictures with some information about the organisms. As a rank newbie at reefkeeping, this will also be a good way for me to learn more.
At the very least, I can promise that at least the pictures will be interesting. So 'ang on to yer knickers folks!

Monday, February 19, 2007


I just happened to pick up my pencil yesterday evening after approximately 3 days short of forever. A few hours of timeless fun later, I realized I wasn't too rusty after all. (to be understood as "I was never much better than I am now.") Anyway, here are the fruits of my fine evening.

I've never been good at drawing people. So when I decided to try it yesterday, I decided to be nice and make myself the first victim. Notice that I selected a picture where I was still recognizable without my face being visible.

The things I was good at sketching are animals/birds/body parts (biology stuff), macho machines (fighter aircraft, guns, tanks... you get the idea) and comic book characters. So I figured I'd try one of those and then take it a step further.

I sketched out this negative image of the Batman and then played around with it on Photoshop.

Some simle contrast manipulation and a little thresholding and lo and behold!

Boy, am I glad I picked up that pencil! This is another one of my erstwhile hobbies that I've decided to revive. And just to make sure I don't slip back into laziness, I'll put up a sketch or two on this blog from time to time.

Thursday, February 15, 2007

Vultures indeed

Being as far from financially savvy as I am - given the choice I'd keep my money in a tin box - I had never heard of vulture funds before I read this news article on the BBC.

The little I learned about vulture funds was enough to make me sick to the pit of my stomach. These people buy up the debts of the poorest of nations just as they are about to be written off and then sue the country for the full amount plus interest. They are no better than the animals who stole trinkets off tsunami victims.
However an equal share of the blame belongs to the callous bankers who allow these 'vultures' to acquire the debts of poor nations. They are no better than the criminals who put guns into the hands of children and turn away, blind to the consequences of their actions.
All I feel at this point is anger and helplessness but this issue must not be allowed to be swept under the carpet. Something needs to be done. I wish I knew what.